Many people automatically associate workers’ compensation with blue-collar jobs. However, in reality, it is possible to sustain an injury in a variety of workplaces, including ones outside of factory or construction settings.
An example of this is the school. While there may not be heavy machinery in a school, there are plenty of potential hazards. According to SFM, many school injuries arise from hits, slips and strains.
What causes these injuries?
Educators who work with young children are especially at risk for injury, given how full of energy and rambunctious children can be. To this end, it is important for teachers to “play with purpose,” since throwing themselves in the middle of the fray can be dangerous. Teachers should be more often demonstrating and supervising, rather than actively participating. This is particularly true for “active” learning experiences.
Another major risk factor for educators is icy conditions. Many educators sustain an injury after a slip on icy school stairs or sidewalks.
How to prevent injuries
A big tip is to work on student de-escalation. Some injuries come as a result of a student acting out. Learning how to calm students and not get involved physically can reduce the likelihood of injury. While the majority of injuries at school do not involve students, the ones that do tend to involve angry ones.
Being fit also helps immensely: the fitter you are, the less likely you are to experience strains and sprains. However, in the event that an educator sustains an injury on the job, he or she has the same right to workers’ compensation as a factory or construction worker.