Most people in Florida might assume that as long as you are able to work to support yourself, you have no need for financial assistance for any potentially disabling condition you experience. Yet often the need for disability benefits is not prompted for your own disability, but that of one of your family members.
Many potential clients come to us here at Hilado Law, PLLC asking whether they might qualify for disability benefits for their children. As the parent of an ailing child, you know firsthand just how costly the necessary care for their condition can be. Often that condition can manifest itself right from birth.
Defining a failure to thrive
Your child’s first few months and years of life help set the stage for their lifelong development. Struggles with their development during this time can cause chronic issues. Thus, they may require intervention to help prompt their development (which is often costly).
Your child’s failure to thrive may qualify them for Social Security disability benefits provided they meet certain criteria. Per the Social Security Administration’s List of Impairments, these include them registering three distinct weight-for-length measurements (while under the age of two) or BMI measurements (between the ages of two and three) that place them in the bottom third percentile for their particular age.
Demonstrating developmental delays
In addition, your child must also have a documented developmental delay during this period of their lives that indicates development at two-thirds (or two standard deviations below) that which medical professionals would typically expect for a child of their age.
You can find more information on qualifying for disability benefits (for either yourself or a family member) by continuing to explore our site.