What is a disability freeze?

For multiple reasons, adjusting to disability can be very difficult. This is why the government provides Social Security Disability benefits in the first place, to try and make this life transition a little bit easier. There are multiple ways that you can qualify for...

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What is a disability “freeze?”

The rules governing Social Security Disability Insurance can seem complex, but the idea behind the system is relatively simple. Essentially, if you work for a certain amount of time and experience a disability that no longer allows you to work, those credits you...

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How do I apply for SSD?

If you have a disability that prevents you from working, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. You will need to submit an application for benefits and should do so as soon as you can once you know your disability will keep you from working. The...

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The three tests for SSDI while self-employed

As an employee, a person may never see the amount of money he or she puts into social security without a hard look at their or their employer's records. The government asks for the same amount if a person acts as a self-employed worker as well. One issue that comes up...

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How are SSD and SSDI different?

Navigating the maze that is the US system for entitlements and support can be disorienting enough on its own. However, understanding which set of benefits you are eligible for is an important step of the application process. If you suffer from a disability, you may...

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